Thursday 31 October 2013

Neighbourhood Policing

Dear Colleagues
This message is being sent to all NHW Coordinators on behalf of the Sussex NHW Federation.
Dear Friends,
I attach a link below for you to give your opinions on the survey about Neighbourhood Policing Teams and how they communicate'. This is your chance to get involved and help the Police to understand your issues and make a difference. It will only take a couple of minutes. If any of you have twitter or Facebook it would help if you could put this on, don’t forget family and friends, the more that the merrier.
Best regards and thank you for being part of the NHW family.
John Wright MBE
Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Federation.
Mobile:   07917385213
Business:01444 247368

police precept public consultation survey

Have your say in the police precept  public consultation survey
I am consulting Sussex taxpayers on the precept (the policing part of the council tax) for 2014/15 and would like you to have your say in my public consultation survey.
I have a statutory obligation to set the police budget and I have fulfilled my election pledge to freeze the precept in my first year of office. As a result, residents have paid the same amount for policing in Sussex for the last four years. However, in order to enable investment and ensure Sussex Police is sufficiently resourced to meet future challenges, I am consulting on a 3.6% increase which would add £4.95 per year per household for a Band D property.
As a voice for local people on policing and crime it’s very important that I know if Sussex residents are willing to pay a little extra towards policing in the county. Despite the enormous challenge set, Sussex Police is on track to achieve the savings required by 2015.  However, in order to meet emerging crime threats I need to consider the case to secure additional funding next year. 
Please spend a few minutes filling out the online survey, which can be accessed here: This survey will close for comments on Friday 10 January.
I am duty bound to inform the Police and Crime Panel of my considerations and the consultation will help inform a decision in January 2014, which will be reviewed by the Panel.
Hard copies of the survey are also available from my office. Telephone: 01273 481561 or email:
Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think.
Katy Bourne
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner

Doorstep - cold calling

Beware an ill wind that could blow doorstep conmen to your property
Date: 30 October 2013
Press release number: PR5734
Householders in West Sussex are being warned to refuse doorstep approaches from so-called builders offering to ‘help’ following the storm on Monday. West Sussex Trading Standards Officers say never accept an offer from anyone who comes knocking and wants to do work on your property.
A number of trees were uprooted during the storm, so householders are advised to be on their guard against all cold callers – especially anyone claiming to be a tree surgeon or roofer.
“There are countless scams that the unwary could fall for, and older people often make easy prey,” said Lionel Barnard, County Council Cabinet Member for Residents Services. “Your property doesn’t even need to be damaged – cowboy roofers, for example, can pretend they’ve seen a loose tile, and offer to fix it for a few pounds. When they come down from the roof, it’s often with the shock ‘news’ that repairs will cost thousands.”
Other tricks include pressuring householders into doing unnecessary work, hiding the cost, or providing false names and addresses.
Anyone who has a problem with a doorstep caller should contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 08454 040506. They will provide advice and pass details to Trading Standards, who can advise the best way forward. This could include intervening when the trader is at the address, or is expected to return.
To find a reliable and trustworthy trader use the Buy with Confidence Scheme. This is a Business approval scheme administered and run by Trading Standards. All members of BWC are vetted and approved by Trading Standards. Residents can visit the website to find a suitable trader.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Trick or Treat advice

I'm worried about trick or treaters at Hallowe'en - what can I do?
Halloween falls on 31 October and is a time when the evenings begin to get darker and colder and a rise in anti-social behaviour relating to noise, nuisance, criminal damage and fireworks can occur.
For some, especially the elderly and vulnerable, Halloween can be a very distressing time.
If you are a parent or guardian, you need to play your part in the festivities. Never allow young children to go out without an adult and if you and your children are planning to go trick or treating please respect notices at the homes of residents asking not to be disturbed. Please also be alert to any unaccompanied children who may be without adult supervision. If your teenage children are planning to trick or treat without you, ensure you know exactly where they are going, what time they will be home and remind them not to knock on the doors of strangers and to stay with their friends at all times. Please also remind them to respect the wishes of those who choose not to take part.
Superintendent Laurence Taylor says: "Thousands of people throughout Sussex enjoy Halloween and we do not want to spoil their fun. However, there is a minority who make the evening a real nightmare for those who choose not to participate in Halloween traditions. We expect many people of all ages to be attending parties and enjoying the evening. As always, we will remain vigilant and will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour that causes unnecessary distress to others."
If you have chosen not to take part in this year's Halloween festivities, we have created the below poster that you can display outside your home to ask trick or treaters not to disturb you. There is also a poster for those who wish to welcome trick or treaters at Halloween.
Best Regards
John Wright MBE
Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Federation.
Mobile:   07917385213
Business:01444 247368

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Crime Alert

Title: Crime Alert
There has been a spate of burglaries that have occurred in the villages south to Horsham District. Burglars are targeting large detached houses with the aim of stealing cash and jewellery. Offences have primarily been occurring between 0800hrs - 1700 hrs with the offenders entering premises via the rear of the property.

There is a common theme in that the offenders are utilising items found in the garden or shed/greenhouse to assist with gaining entry to the property.

Please ensure that you lock and secure your outbuildings. Side gates should be locked shut and access to the rear of your house restricted. Please keep an eye out in your street and report suspicious activity immediately to Sussex Police on 101 or 999 if you believe that a crime is in progress.

Hazel Fraser

NPT Co-ordinator
Neighbourhood Policing Team, Horsham
Telephone: 101 Ext. 530214