Thursday 31 October 2013

police precept public consultation survey

Have your say in the police precept  public consultation survey
I am consulting Sussex taxpayers on the precept (the policing part of the council tax) for 2014/15 and would like you to have your say in my public consultation survey.
I have a statutory obligation to set the police budget and I have fulfilled my election pledge to freeze the precept in my first year of office. As a result, residents have paid the same amount for policing in Sussex for the last four years. However, in order to enable investment and ensure Sussex Police is sufficiently resourced to meet future challenges, I am consulting on a 3.6% increase which would add £4.95 per year per household for a Band D property.
As a voice for local people on policing and crime it’s very important that I know if Sussex residents are willing to pay a little extra towards policing in the county. Despite the enormous challenge set, Sussex Police is on track to achieve the savings required by 2015.  However, in order to meet emerging crime threats I need to consider the case to secure additional funding next year. 
Please spend a few minutes filling out the online survey, which can be accessed here: This survey will close for comments on Friday 10 January.
I am duty bound to inform the Police and Crime Panel of my considerations and the consultation will help inform a decision in January 2014, which will be reviewed by the Panel.
Hard copies of the survey are also available from my office. Telephone: 01273 481561 or email:
Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think.
Katy Bourne
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner

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